Thursday, 14th May 2020
Hi guys!
Today I will present you the neew activity of Arts: lettering.
It will be very useful to do titles and covers.
In fact, you have to use this technique to do the English cover of unit 9: spectacular space.
1) You need:
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Coloured markers
- Black marker
2) Here you have the different steps you have to follow:
Thursday, 23rd April 2020
Today I will present you the new Arts activity linked to the Book Day. As you can see in the English page, we are learning about English literature with Charlie and the chocolate factory, by Roald Dahl.
This time, apart from English literature, you will learn art, too. You will use a tecnique inspired on a painter called Andy Warhol.
This painter used the following steps:
1) He drew the picture on a piece of paper using a pencil.
2) He trace the picture using ink (tinta).
3)Finally he painted the picture with bright colours (colores vivos).
Warhol didn't represent reality on his paintings. Here you have some examples of his work:
1) You will have to choose one of the main characters of the story or even the author:
2) Copy the picture on a piece of paper with pencil (put the paper on your computer/ tablet/ mobile screen (pantalla) and copy it).
3) Trace (repasa) it with a black marker or a black pen (what you have at home).
4) Paint it using markers (if it's possible) and bright colours (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, pink...). Rememeber, follow Warhol tecnique: don't represent reality step by step. Use your creativity.
5) Take a photo of it and send it to me by e-mail ( )
I'm waiting to see your works!😊
Wednesday, 15th April 2020
Friday, 2nd April 2020
Good morning!
Today I'll present you the new Arts activity. I coordinated myself with teacher Verónica. I will use the Maths proyect about "Geometry".
You will have to create a figure using material and objects that you have at home (remember #stayathome).
These are some ideas of material and objects that you can use:

These are some creations to inspire you. But you are free to use all your creativity and imagination!

Thursday, 19th March 2020
Hi guys!
Today I will present you the neew activity of Arts: lettering.
It will be very useful to do titles and covers.
In fact, you have to use this technique to do the English cover of unit 9: spectacular space.
1) You need:
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Coloured markers
- Black marker
2) Here you have the different steps you have to follow:
3) Once you have finished, take a photo and send it to me by email.
Thursday, 23rd April 2020
Today I will present you the new Arts activity linked to the Book Day. As you can see in the English page, we are learning about English literature with Charlie and the chocolate factory, by Roald Dahl.
This time, apart from English literature, you will learn art, too. You will use a tecnique inspired on a painter called Andy Warhol.

Andy Warhol
This painter used the following steps:
1) He drew the picture on a piece of paper using a pencil.
2) He trace the picture using ink (tinta).

3)Finally he painted the picture with bright colours (colores vivos).
Warhol didn't represent reality on his paintings. Here you have some examples of his work:

Now, it's your turn!
1) You will have to choose one of the main characters of the story or even the author:
Oompa Loompa
Roald Dahl
Willy Wonka
2) Copy the picture on a piece of paper with pencil (put the paper on your computer/ tablet/ mobile screen (pantalla) and copy it).
3) Trace (repasa) it with a black marker or a black pen (what you have at home).
4) Paint it using markers (if it's possible) and bright colours (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, pink...). Rememeber, follow Warhol tecnique: don't represent reality step by step. Use your creativity.
5) Take a photo of it and send it to me by e-mail ( )
IMPORTANT: You have to send it to me before Thursday 7th of May.
I'm waiting to see your works!😊
Wednesday, 15th April 2020
There are some students that are working really hard. Here I show you their fantastic projects!😊
Friday, 2nd April 2020
Good morning!
Today I'll present you the new Arts activity. I coordinated myself with teacher Verónica. I will use the Maths proyect about "Geometry".
You will have to create a figure using material and objects that you have at home (remember #stayathome).
These are some ideas of material and objects that you can use:

These are some creations to inspire you. But you are free to use all your creativity and imagination!

You will have to send me a photo of your creation by e-mail (
You will use these creations in the Maths online classes after the Easter break.
So the last day to send it to me is Monday 13th April.
These are the important aspects that I will consider to evaluate your work:
1) Creativity
2) Use of polyhedrons (poliedros)
3) Use of material you have at home.
4) Cleanliness and order (limpieza y orden en el trabajo)
5) Student's work (the Arts mark is for students, not for your families)
I am waiting to see your pictures😊 I will post them on this page.
Thursday, 19th March 2020
Hello guys!
Here I send you a craft that has became famous these days: THE HOPE RAINBOW
1) Print it or copy it on a piece of paper. If you would like to print it, you only have to follow this link:
2) Decorate it as you prefer, using the materials you have at home: colour paper, recycled material (pieces of newspapers, magazines...) food (you can use some pasta, for example), paint, markers...
3) Write your personal message on it.
Here I give you some fantastic ideas that other children have done in Italy and Spain.
3) This activity is part of your final mark.
4) Please, if you want to, take a photo of your work, and send it to me by e-mail:
Don't forget to write your name! I will publish all of them on this blog!😊
Thank you very much!
Profe, pero Vale copiarlo y ya esta es que yo no te go todo el material necesario y no puedo salir a comprarlo
ResponderEliminar¡Hola! Por favor, no olvidéis poner vuestro nombre cuando comentéis, sino, no sabemos quién sois =)
ResponderEliminar¡Claro que puedes copiarlo! Y decorarlo con el material que tengas en casa (ante todo: NO SALGAS DE CASA). Seguro que en casa tienes rotuladores, pinturas o lápices de colores. Piensa un poco, y usa esos materiales que TENGAS EN CASA, de la mejor manera posible.
¡Espero la foto de tu arcoíris!
Gracias por los animos
ResponderEliminarHola Marina, soy Mohamed
ResponderEliminartengo una pregunta se pueden hacer diferentes manualidades de las que hay en las imágenes (máscaras, ''paper crafts'' o disfraces)
Hola Mohamed!
ResponderEliminarPuedes hacer la manualidad que quieras siempre que uses poliedros. Recuerda que esta actividad es para usar en la clase de Matemáticas. Si no usas poliedros, no será útil en Matemáticas.
Espero haberte ayudado!
Hola Marina, soy Mohamed
ResponderEliminarse puede hacer mas de una manualidad de poliedros o no?
Hola Mohamed,
ResponderEliminar¿Te refieres como trabajo voluntario? ¡Claro que sí!